James Blunt, Stone Pony Ska Show!
From the BBC..
Singer Blunt 'irritates public'
1. Cold callers
2. Caravans
3. Queue-jumpers
4. James Blunt
5. Traffic wardens
6. People who tailgate
7. Brown-nosers
8. Chantelle and Preston from Big Brother
9. Ex-smokers
10. Noisy neighbours
Hahahaha! Take that James Blunt! Even Britain hates you now!
So I went to a Ska show at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park yesterday. First of all, it's a cool club with alot of history. For those of you who don't know, the Stone Pony is where Springsteen started out. Asbury park is a dump though. Very tough town. It was a really fun show though. There were two stages, one indoors, one outdoors (didn't know this). The indoor stage was a local stage, and Awful Waffle was awesome once again. The main stage had this Ska/Disco band that had a dancing horn section, it was really cool. The reggae band was very good as well. Big D & The Kids Table were alot of fun, and very loud. And Catch 22 was fun to see.
Now here's the good stuff...
We actually met Catch 22. Not just met them, we were in their tour bus! Sam Spakony is indirectly related to the bassist I believe, and he got us past the gate. We got all their autographs and whatnot, and they signed a plate saying: C22 <3's Bangin' On A Trash Can! They also gave us offical permission to cover their songs. We talked to them about the whole Streetlight/Catch 22 controversy, and they are pissed off at Thomas for remaking Keasby Nights with Streetlight. It was originally going to be a remake with the whole original lineup of Catch 22 for old time's sake, and to get a better sounding product out there, but Thomas scratched that idea and did it himself. They also said that as a matter of principle, they shy away from playing the songs that he wrote with Catch 22 live. It was very interesting to hear the truth, and very cool that they invited us to their bus to sign some stuff and just hang out. Some pictures were taken with other's camera's so when i get them I will post.
Also, congradulations to my cousin Katie & her husband Chris on their wedding on Saturday! It was a b-e-a-utiful ceremony and a fun party too!